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Showing posts from October, 2016

Honors Diploma Information Meeting - 11/16 during homeroom

Students who are interested in earning an Honors Diploma at graduation should stop by C20 or the Career Center to pick up an application and a flyer.  There will be an information meeting for seniors during homeroom on November 16th in room C20 .  I am taking Honors Diploma applications through the end of trimester two.  Students can apply at any time during their time at JHS.  If you want more information go to this link  to read about the Honors Diploma program and to get the application form or you could watch this video about our Honors Diploma program.  

College Essay Writing Tips

Early application deadlines are approaching!  I know many of you are working on your essays with Mr. Levi ski. Two more articles with advice for writing college admissions essays: y.html Good luck and may the force with you!

Honors Diploma

This is the time of year where I get lots of questions about the Honors Diploma.  Please watch this video or read this flyer if you are interested.  Every year students get upset if they don't qualify.  If you want to qualify please plan ahead.  It is hard to get 36 credits in AP/Honors courses if you don't plan ahead.  Please email me if you'd like an advising appointment to plan for how you can earn an Honors Diploma.  Good luck.

Tips for writing your college applications

This is the season of college applications!  Here are some recent articles with advice from the experts of what you should do.  Good luck!