Dear DA Social Studies students and parents/guardians,
BPS has decided that the default grade will be Pass / No Credit for trimester 3 but that you can opt-in to a traditional letter grade system. Because this is an AP class, if you choose to get a letter grade your grade would be based on the usual scale and weighted in your GPA. In the pass fail system, in order to earn a pass, students will need to be earning 60% at the end of the trimester.
I have been told that even if we return in May, this grading system will be the system for the trimester.
You do not need to decide today which type of grade you would like.
For this class, most of you are getting everything in and are on track to get a B+ or above. I recommend that if you maintain your success, you should take the traditional grade, because this class is weighted in your GPA. For those of you who are struggling to get your work in, consider if this reminder of the weighted grade can motivate you to push through to hit that B level and earn a B or A in this course. Others of you who are challenged by online learning may be motivated to get your summative essays done but opt out of other smaller point assignments so you can reach or maintain at least a 60% and can get a P. I am willing to work with you and hoping that we can find an option that will keep you learning for the rest of the trimester.
Normandale is still discussing whether they will allow Pass/Fail for their dual enrollment courses but my assumption is that if you want college credit for DA Composition with Mr. Hupton that you will need to opt in for a grade. We will keep you in the loop as we hear more from NCC.
I know this is not the educational experience any of us were anticipating. I am impressed with your perseverance in this unique time. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
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