Dear DA parents,
We are making a change - DA STEM will be housed at Jefferson next year. It will still be open to Kennedy students but it will be taught by Jefferson staff. We are transitioning to a 4 year program instead of a 2 year program with an emphasis on Advanced Placement (AP) as opposed to Normandale Community College (NCC) classes.
We are making this change after 6 years of doing our program at NCC. Current 9th graders will get to finish their program but our next cohort will not start at NCC. We feel these changes will allow us to better meet the needs of our gifted students.
We are going to build towards the following scope and sequence:
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9th Graders
Honors Algebra II/
Honors PreCalc
AP Environmental Science/
AP Computer Science Principles
10th Graders
AP Calc BC
AP Physics C
11th Graders
AP Stats/Probability & Adv. Stats Topics
AP Chemistry
12th Graders
AP Computer Science A/ Calc III
AP Biology
This is our flyer for upcoming meetings with parents and students.
I wanted to let you know our plan. Please know that we are proud of the program we are offering to your student but also that we are always looking for ways to improve our offerings.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
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