January is high school registration time. The gifted and talented department has some upcoming information nights we want you to know about. If you can't come or have specific questions you can also email Meredith Aby-Keirstead our high school gifted and talented coordinator at maby@isd271.org. Dimensions Academy High School - 2 Pathways: STEM & Humanities Parents and students are welcome to attend any of the DA HS informational meetings. They are all from 6:30-7:30 pm: Tuesday, January 8th at Normandale Community College, Partnership Center , Room P0808 Monday, January 14th at Kennedy High School, Media Center Tuesday, January 22nd at Jefferson High School, Auditorium FFI: https://www.bloomington.k12.mn.us/DA-High-School Nobel Creativity Program Parents, guardians and students who are interested in the Nobel Program at Kennedy High School are invited to attend the information session at KHS on Thursday, January 10th at 6pm i...
Welcome to Bloomington High School Gifted and Talented! This webpage is to help Jefferson and Kennedy families (parents and students) figure out what resources, activities, classes etc. are the best fit for their gifted student's needs. For more information contact Meredith Aby-Keirstead, the high school gifted and talented coordinator, at maby@isd271.org or at 952-806-7811,