Dear DA 10th graders and parents/guardians,
Our current DA sophomores will have access to a 3rd year of DA which is a new feature of our program. We designed this because of parent and student feedback that PSEO and current BPS courses were not meeting the academic and social emotional needs of our gifted students.
I have had some parents ask about the difference between DA and PSEO so I'm sharing this slideshow with you. I am also willing to answer questions if that's not helpful enough.
Our hope is that your student will choose to continue in the DA program but we also understand that we cannot possibly design a program that is a perfect fit for all our high ability students.
If you are planning on sending your student PSEO next year BPS will still make you register this month as if you aren't because that decision will happen later but the college. However, for our purposes the GT dept would like to know how many students will not be continuing so I can try to recruit students to fill these upcoming vacancies. Please email me if that is your plan for next year.
In the meantime, I hope you're having a good week and know you can always ask me for help or advice.
May 18, 2020 Dear DA STEM 9th and 10th graders and their parents/guardians, Congratulations on completing spring semester at Normandale in the Dimensions Academy STEM program. You excelled in your college coursework - during a pandemic and when all instruction was moved online! Roger and I were very impressed with how hard you worked under these new learning conditions. Additionally, we were thrilled to see how well the Normandale professors adjusted their teaching to online. We were happy with the level of rigor they were able to maintain. Grades: I am pleased to announce that everyone in both cohorts earned As and Bs in their college classes this semester. Normandale is offering their students the opportunity to take their classes pass/fail but my recommendation for you is to take your grade. There are 2 benefits to taking your grade: 1. It is doubtful that 4 years from now colleges will give you credit for ...
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