What really goes into the admissions process at elite colleges?
The latest disgrace involving bribery to obtain admission to elite colleges is atrocious, inexcusable and fraudulent, but the complicated process of admissions might not be as pure as some would like. Behind the scenes, top colleges weigh a lot of factors that students cannot control.
As a professor of psychology for 38 years, including 22 years as the dean of students and chief student affairs officer at Trinity College and later as a consultant to a college prep organization for over a decade, I have some insights into how colleges admit students.
In general, an applicant has about 25 to 30 percent control over admission. Every elite college looks for a variety of qualifications in addition to a student’s grades, academic program in secondary school, SAT or ACT scores and recommendations.
These institutions might seek wider geographic representation — what admissions officer doesn’t feel great if she can tell the family of an applicant that the school has students from all 50 states plus a number of foreign countries? Perhaps the school wishes to admit more women into hard science majors, or it might need an outstanding basketball player. The coach might tell admissions that he or she wishes to admit the player but, for the most part, if the player doesn’t have the basic academic qualities, there is not much a coach can do, at least at a Division III school.
What about an elite school that wishes to achieve greater racial diversity? Can an admissions office give the nod to a student of color who is bright but hasn’t had the advantages of the best public or private schools? I say yes.
The vast number of applicants to elite colleges meet or exceed the baseline qualifications for admission. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough room to take all of them, which is where all the subjective considerations that bother outside observers come in.
The admissions process at some elite colleges is still reputed to be needs-blind, but operating costs and financial needs have increased exponentially, and many of these same schools have become needs-aware. It helps the students who will simply reduce the pressure on the financial aid budget by not applying for aid. The vast majority of private colleges are taking at least 50 cents of every tuition dollar and plowing it back into financial aid for needy students who couldn’t enroll at the college without it. Discounting tuition at levels higher than this threatens the financial stability and academic quality of the college.
All students, regardless of station, should have equal access to higher education. They will add something significant to whatever college they attend. Obviously, it is impossible for any individual college or university to admit all who apply, especially when so many of the elite colleges receive 10 or more applications for the number of available spaces. But it is equally important that no institution discriminate against those who come from low-income families, or those who have a physical disability, or those who may be of a different ethnicity, or those who have learning disabilities or ADHD, or those who were born in a foreign country.
What is far more important is that it is not the end of the world of a student isn’t accepted to a top university. There are hundreds of institutions that might just provide a better educational experience. A fellow professional recently said, ”There are few things in my life that I’ve enjoyed more than the fact that I went to a college that was in nobody’s top 100, had a fantastic experience, learned a lot, and I’ve been telling Ivy League graduates what to do for my entire career.”
So many in our society are seeking admission to an elite college when that is the wrong goal. Learning is so much more than the 12 to 18 hours they spend in class each week. College should be more than a stepping stone to a career. It should expose students to a variety of ethical and moral and political issues that are learned both within and outside of class.
If this occurs, the graduate will be not only better at his or her career, but also be a much better person.
David Winer is professor of psychology emeritus and dean of students emeritus at Trinity College.
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