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Congrats to JHS Honors Diploma graduates!

2018 Honors Diploma
This year at Jefferson, 49 seniors applied and qualified for an Honors Diploma.  These students acquired a minimum of 34 AP/Honors credits in the core academic areas and have at least two credits in fine arts, foreign language or Project Lead the Way courses, maintaining at least a “B” average while doing so.  This option provides an incentive to pursue a comprehensive program of AP/Honors throughout high school and is an important component of Jefferson’s gifted and talented program. This honor is acknowledged on their Jefferson diploma and students are recognized in the graduation program.  

Umaimah Ahmed
Frederick Alonzi
Rachel J. Anderson
Rosalie Arpin
Emma Augdahl
Anton Barton
Paul Cavanah
Anna Cole
Emily Dam
Marissa Dauner
Mary Dombeck
Hallie Ezaki
David Floeder
Stuart Fronk
Zoe Garielson
Morgan Gasser
Rachel Graff
Grace Ha
Sabina Hansen
Elena Hayday
Jamine Jackson
Charles Jamieson
Metta Johnson
Camille Jones
Emily Jorschumb
Gregory Kohler
Kayla LaRue
Joshua Lueth
Zane Lundsgaard
Abigail Malecha
Wilson Nyakeri
Ryan Park
Jack Pederson
Kenny Peng
Mason Peterson
Vivian Pham
Steven Rowekamp
Francesca Schack
Megan Serstock
Jillian Sjoquist
Alexis Shields
Alexander Skold
Paige Sorensen
Benjamin TenBroek
Ethan To
Noah Tran
Rachel Walton
Kierra Wendorf-Finstrom
Liam Williams


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