Every teacher I know is talking about our concerns about cell phone use by teens. Less smartphone time equals happier teenager, study suggests Study says more screen time has led to drop in self-esteem and life satisfaction. http://www.startribune.com/less-smartphone-time-equals-happier-teenager-study-suggests/471157883/ Quotes I found interesting: " A precipitous drop in the happiness, self-esteem and life satisfaction of American teens came as their ownership of smartphones rocketed from zero to 73 percent and they devoted an increasing share of their time online. Coincidence? New research suggests it is not." " They found that between 1991 and 2016, adolescents who spent more time on electronic communication and screens — social media, texting, electronic games, the internet — were less happy, less satisfied with their lives and had lower self-esteem. TV watching, which declined over the nearly two decades they examined, was similarly linked to lower ...
Welcome to Bloomington High School Gifted and Talented! This webpage is to help Jefferson and Kennedy families (parents and students) figure out what resources, activities, classes etc. are the best fit for their gifted student's needs. For more information contact Meredith Aby-Keirstead, the high school gifted and talented coordinator, at maby@isd271.org or at 952-806-7811,