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Can Grade-Skipping Close the STEM Gender Gap?
This article made me think about our girls in DA High School. Before we did DAHS many people expressed doubts that our kids could do college level work as 9th and 10th graders but in fact many of them are thriving in this enriching environment.
Can Grade-Skipping Close the STEM Gender Gap?
If girls were allowed to accelerate through school, then perhaps their peak career- and family-building years would not overlap.
“I was planning on just skipping ninth grade,” says the renowned astrophysicist, who spent her summers taking calculus classes at Carnegie Mellon University. “But when the school year was about to start, the teachers went on strike and my math professor said, ‘Why don't you just start here?’”
Three years later, Charlton received her bachelor’s degree in chemistry and physics. She headed for the University of Chicago, where she earned her master’s at 19, and her Ph.D. at 22. By the time Charlton had her first child, in her late 20s, she was a tenured professor at Pennsylvania State University, where she maps the universe and charts the history of evolving galaxies.
“By skipping grades and getting to grad school early, I could devote time and energy to building my career and earn tenure before I started raising a family,” says Charlton. “It was extremely beneficial to my career not to be devoting my 20s to anything else.”
Charlton is an outlier, not only in terms of her intelligence and ambition, but also because educators allowed her to accelerate ahead of her peers and satisfy her hunger and capacity to learn. Many of the estimated 1.5 million to 2.5 million mathematically gifted girls—6 to 10 percent of girls in U.S. K-12 classrooms, according to the National Association for Gifted Children—don’t have the option to accelerate. They move through schools and universities at a pace that all but ensures that their prime career-building years will, for those who want to have children, overlap with family-making years, forcing many to make career-stunting trade-offs.
Creating more opportunities for super-bright girls to skip grades might be one of the most viable ways to open cracks in the glass ceiling that has plagued STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields for decades. But these days, young children are far more likely to be “redshirted”—held back from school to allow extra time for physical, socioemotional, or intellectual growth—than they are to charge ahead of their same-age peers.
Grade-skipping and early college admissions were relatively common in the U.S. during the Cold War, when the nation’s brightest students were considered a strategic resource and nurturing their talents became a national priority. Educators encouraged acceleration, and school districts invested in enrichment programs for the most capable and eager students.
These post-Sputnik brainiacs rose quickly through schools, universities, and graduate programs, spurring an unprecedented increase in doctorates and highly educated adults whose innovations boosted living standards, created tens of millions of jobs, and fueled much of the West’s economic growth.
It was a hallmark of the times that most of those high-paying science and engineering jobs were filled by men. The times have changed, but the imbalance in science and technical fields persists: Though women now make up more than half of the U.S. workforce and earn the majority of masters and doctorate degrees, they comprise just 24 percent of STEM workers.
That imbalance can’t be explained by lack of early interest: Nearly three-quarters of high-school girls in the U.S. are interested in the fields and subjects of STEM, according to a study by the Girl Scout Research Institute. But other research indicates that pervasive stereotyping and gender discrimination—by teachers, parents, and fellow students—exposes girls to the message that females are inferior in the STEM fields. Despite a raft of initiatives to support and encourage girls to pursue these fields, engagement with math and science tends to wane as girls get older.
Among women who do make it into the STEM workforce, the ranks tend to dwindle with each higher rung on the career ladder. At the very top, women hold only 5 percent of leadership positions.
What is holding high-ability women back when they go into their peak career-building years? At least one study suggests that the gender gap in STEM professions the can be attributed at least partly to different priorities and life and work choices that men and women make.
The Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth (SMPY) has for 46 years tracked the careers and accomplishments of some 5,000 people whose high cognitive abilities were identified and supported in their early years. The SMPY data have generated more than 400 papers, including one that looked at how the career paths of precociously gifted males and females diverged over the past four decades. While they started their academic lives similarly, priorities began to deviate once they rose to the professional level. Men reported working an average of 11 more hours per week than the women. Asked how much they’d be willing to work if they had their “ideal job,” 30 percent of women were unwilling to work more than 40 hours per week; only seven percent of men felt the same way.
In an attempt to understand this apparent divide in priorities and time allocation, the SMPY researchers analyzed the values reported by each gender group. Among the men’s top values were full-time work, making an impact, and earning a high income. Women were more inclined to value part-time work, time for close relationships, and community and family involvement.
“There are many exceptions, but as a whole mathematically gifted men are working more and achieving more professionally, while women value more balanced lives,” says the paper’s co-author Camilla Benbow, the dean of education and human development at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College. STEM professionals are particularly susceptible to “knowledge decay,” Benbow adds. “If you step out for a year or two to raise kids or care for an elderly parent [two duties that most often fall to women], you don’t step back into the same stream; you often get passed by.”
And yet, despite their overall lower professional commitment and achievement, female study subjects generally considered themselves as successful and as satisfied as their male counterparts. “The women expressed stronger preferences for and devoted more time to advancing family and community,” says Benbow. “Both groups are contributing to society, though they travel different paths to highly productive and satisfying lives.”
But to women who have experienced systemic or personal discrimination in offices, laboratories, or homes, attributing the STEM gender gap to different lifestyle preferences and priorities may seem too convenient.
“I think it’s bullshit,” says the neurosurgeon Deborah Benzil, who, like Charlton, participated in the SMPY survey. “You can call it a choice, but it’s a choice that men don’t usually have to make. Who else is going have the babies?”
In the U.S., only 5 percent of neurosurgeons are women. Benzil belongs to a professional group of female neurosurgeons that recently conducted an informal survey of its members. “Virtually every woman considers having kids as a hurdle,” says Benzil. “Some wanted to have children, but they didn’t think the profession would allow it.”
Benzil, who didn’t have an option to skip grades in primary or secondary school, had her first child while she was a medical resident, against the strong objections of her program director. “I wouldn't wish that experience on anyone,” she says. “Even with a super-supportive partner, it was extremely challenging. I was physically wrecked during those early years.”
It may be that high-ability women have come to define success more broadly than men because they have less opportunity in the workplace. A study of 25,000 Harvard Business School alumni found that a majority of both men and women wanted their careers to be at least as important as their spouse’s. When children came along, though, the men’s careers increasingly took precedence and the women’s careers usually suffered.
Accelerating the conventional education timeline—which all but ensures that a woman’s peak career-building years will overlap with peak childbearing and child-rearing years—may give more high-ability women who want to have children the opportunity to reach high levels in STEM than currently is the case.
SMPY and numerous other studies have provided large-sample evidence that appropriate acceleration benefits the vast majority of gifted children. In a comparison of grade-skipping students with a control group of equally smart students who stayed with their age groups, the grade-skippers were more than twice as likely to earn a Ph.D. in science, math, or engineering, and had more patents and publications at mid-career. Even modest interventions, such as access to Advanced Placement courses or self-paced instruction, give students demonstrable advantages that continue through college and into the workplace. Conversely, exceptionally gifted students who remain with their age peers typically underachieve and experience negative effects on motivation, self-esteem, and anxiety.
May 18, 2020 Dear DA STEM 9th and 10th graders and their parents/guardians, Congratulations on completing spring semester at Normandale in the Dimensions Academy STEM program. You excelled in your college coursework - during a pandemic and when all instruction was moved online! Roger and I were very impressed with how hard you worked under these new learning conditions. Additionally, we were thrilled to see how well the Normandale professors adjusted their teaching to online. We were happy with the level of rigor they were able to maintain. Grades: I am pleased to announce that everyone in both cohorts earned As and Bs in their college classes this semester. Normandale is offering their students the opportunity to take their classes pass/fail but my recommendation for you is to take your grade. There are 2 benefits to taking your grade: 1. It is doubtful that 4 years from now colleges will give you credit for ...
Parents, guardians and students interested in the Nobel Program at Kennedy High School are invited to attend an information session at KHS on Tuesday, February 4th at 7pm in Kennedy Media Center (9701 Nicollet Ave in Bloomington). ********** Nobel is an honors humanities pathway designed to nurture and develop the creativity of high school students and is housed at John F. Kennedy High School in Bloomington, MN. Students who have been identified as creatively talented are grouped together in a cohort for key humanities classes and for their advisory where they work with teachers who have been trained to grow creativity. Focusing on critical thinking and creativity, students will engage in a rich curriculum connecting literature, social sciences, philosophy and the arts. Students are identified using the Torrance Test of Creativity and through their MAP reading test scores. Students that graduate from the Valley View Middle School...
Harvard College recently rescinded admissions offers to at least ten prospective members of the Class of 2021 after the students traded sexually explicit memes and messages that targeted minority groups in a private Facebook group chat. Last week I took a group of DA9th graders to Macalester College and the admissions officer told us they were looking for students that are both academically talented AND empathetic to others. Please think before you post but also think about how you portray yourself. http://www.thecrimson.com/article/2017/6/5/2021-offers-rescinded-memes/
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