February 23, 2021 Dear DA HS parents/guardians and students, Thank you for your patience as we figure out how to adapt our DA programming for this latest learning model change. I know you need to tell BPS by Friday whether you plan to return for in-person learning and I hope this information will be helpful to you in your family discussions. The new schedule will offer in-person learning at both high schools from 7:50 am to 1:37 pm with time in the afternoon for academic support. These are the daily schedules for tri 3. Page one is the in-person schedule and page two is the distance learning one. I met with Jaysen Anderson, Justin Hall, Akram Osman, Kris Krenz and Erin Boltik today and this is our tentative plan for DA for tri 3: Kennedy STEM students will be bussed to Jefferson for their STEM classes. Similarly, Jefferson Humanities students will be bussed to Kennedy for their Humanities classes. We are still finalizing the bus schedule with transportation but my hope is ...
Welcome to Bloomington High School Gifted and Talented! This webpage is to help Jefferson and Kennedy families (parents and students) figure out what resources, activities, classes etc. are the best fit for their gifted student's needs. For more information contact Meredith Aby-Keirstead, the high school gifted and talented coordinator, at maby@isd271.org or at 952-806-7811,