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Showing posts from May, 2020
May 18, 2020 Dear DA STEM 9th and 10th graders and their parents/guardians, Congratulations on completing spring semester at Normandale in the Dimensions Academy STEM program.  You excelled in your college coursework - during a pandemic and when all instruction was moved online!  Roger and I were very impressed with how hard you worked under these new learning conditions. Additionally, we were thrilled to see how well the Normandale professors adjusted their teaching to online.  We were happy with the level of rigor they were able to maintain.   Grades:   I am pleased to announce that everyone in both cohorts earned As and Bs in their college classes this semester.  Normandale is offering their students the opportunity to take their classes pass/fail but my recommendation for you is to take your grade.  There are 2 benefits to taking your grade:  1.  It is doubtful that 4 years from now colleges will give you credit for ...

All About Asking Better Questions

This is a post from one of my all time favorite education writers - Ian Byrd.  It is about how to ask better questions and increase the depth and complexity of our students.  I strongly recommend it!

Congrats to another group of DA STEM graduates!

I am proud that we are graduating another class of Dimensions Academy students.  These students took 2 years of college science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) classes at Normandale Community College.  The following 17 students have completed our rigorous program: Andrew Barton Jonathan Busch Robert Holzman Grace Jarvis Zach Jensen Alexander Kiner Clare Koll Anne Louise Kolstad Preston Le Gabriel Meier Ethan Nguyen Hoang Nguyen Josephy Shetaye Isaac Stein Zach Studdiford Christina Timm Walter Van Dyke The following students are being recognized for excellence in a particular class.  They were chosen by a committee of NCC professors: College Algebra:  Clare Koll Trigonometry:  Zach Studdiford Computer Science:  Isaac Stein College Physics:  Grace Jarvis Geology:  Robbie Holzman Chemistry:  Preston Le Calculus I:  Gabe Meier Calculus II:  Joseph Shetaye...

Getting ready for applying to college next year! Here are some opportunities!

    Dear Meridith, We hope you and your loved ones are doing well during this time! With the academic year coming to a close, your students may be considering the next steps in their academic journey, and we want to provide them with all the tools and resources they need to confidently approach the college admissions process in the future. Next week, we celebrate  Coalition Week , an event meant to provide college search resources to your students and to celebrate all the hard work they do! We invite your students to join UChicago and many of our Midwestern partners to learn about the ins and outs of the college admissions process.   Monday, 5/18 from 3-5 p.m. :  College Essays 101  with the University of Chicago and the University of Michigan   Tuesday, 5/19 from 3-5 p.m. :  Introduction to College Apps  with the Coalition for College   Wednesday, 5/20 from 3-5 p.m. :  Tackling Financial Aid  ...

AMATYC competition 2020

Congratulations to Robbie Holzman  for placing 2nd place in the  American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges (AMATYC) Student Mathematics League competition at Normandale Community College.  Dimensions Academy High School alum Colden Longley  also placed 1st!  Robbie is a sophomore and Colden is a senior at Jefferson High School.