College Advice For Juniors: Seeking The Right Recommendations From Forbes on June 1, 2017 The high school year ends soon, so Juniors who have not already lined up their two teacher recommendations and laid a sound foundation for their counselor recommendation might want to act now, because the best time for most teachers and counselors to concentrate on writing is during the summer, when other obligations diminish or disappear. Because students are asking professionals to do additional work on their behalf—writing letters that will be read by admissions officers like me at Drew University , as well as colleagues in other colleges—it’s worth thinking well before asking (and reflecting on how to say a proper Thank You!) A few basics on how recommendations work: · Each applicant is expected to have ONE counselor rec, ONE or TWO teacher recs and—at most—ONE other rec, but only if it sheds a differen...
Welcome to Bloomington High School Gifted and Talented! This webpage is to help Jefferson and Kennedy families (parents and students) figure out what resources, activities, classes etc. are the best fit for their gifted student's needs. For more information contact Meredith Aby-Keirstead, the high school gifted and talented coordinator, at or at 952-806-7811,